The current state and potential of catering services in Vladivostok

  • Шеметова Елена Васильевна

    E. V. Shemetova Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service. Vladivostok. Russia

  • T. M. Boitsova. Far Eastern State Technical Fisheries University. Vladivostok. Russia

  • A. S. Dmitrenko

    A. S. Dmitrenko LLC "Massimo Dutti". Vladivostok. Russia


The current state and potential of catering services in Vladivostok The article presents the results of a study of catering services in the market of Vladivostok. The purpose of this work is to analyze the catering services in Vladivostok based on theoretical
and practical materials and to identify their potential. The methodological basis of the work is the assessment of catering services of food enterprises, the methods of system and statistical analysis, surveys, observations, and comparisons are used. The paper analyzes the
types of food enterprises and the dynamics of the turnover of public catering in the Primorsky Region. According to the results of the study, the leaders among the catering operators, the forms of service, and the structure of the field service market were identified. During the survey
of representatives of catering companies, the average capacity of the events held, the services that are in the greatest demand, their seasonality, and cost were identified. The services of catering companies were evaluated by consumers. On the basis of a comprehensive
study, the authors proposed a classification and segmentation of catering services. The directions for the development of catering services in the market for the future are determined, taking into account several restrictions associated with the COVID-19 pandemic.article presents
the author with a strategic plan for the development of gastronomic tourism.
Keywords: catering, catering services, public catering, outreach services, consumers, Vladivostok